這個清單說明陸域生態研究室例行性資料的處理流程,包含了在各個樣區中以自動或半自動儀器所蒐集到的各項原始資料, 以及經過資料篩選、品管、合併與重製後二級資料的產製流程。這個清單主要是作為目錄的功能,方便研究室成員能比較快找到需要的資料。
例行性資料多半指的是定期需要更新數值資料,但實際在使用上則不受限於數值類型,凡用來檢測儀器是否運作正常的圖、表、文件亦包含本文收納的範圍內。各種類型的資料依照產製時程大致區分為Tier 0 至 Tier 3級,說明如下:
Welcome to LTER Lab’s archive page. In this page, we offer some useful file links for our labmates and co-op researchers.
This catalogue file shows how we deal the data and where to put the files. The data mentioned are the files, figures, documents, and data sheets we collected or generated from the field and prepared for future use. Type of data can be diverse, ether quantity or quality, numeric or descriptive. Format of data can also be very different, such as text(.csv) or spread sheets(.xls) . In this catalog, I focus more on numerical data.
In this catalogue, I define any data collected from the field directly are so called ‘raw data’ or ‘raws’. This raws are usually the first hand data from the sensors we’ve set. It is recorded in data logger and without any further changed or converted.
Raws can be converted and generate new data afterward. Like unit change, we change air temperature from Celsius (°C) to Kelvin scale (K). Raws can also be summarized to other values, for example, we sum up 1 minute precipitation (rainfull) from rain gage to half-hour (30 mins) data. Generally, raws changing is taken afterward in the lab, instead of in the field, and it creates another new data tables, files, even figures.
Due to the diverse sources and uses of data, we have to clarify data we have in very beginning. In this aspect, I categorized data into 4 different tiers(0-4) based on how we handle with it.
Tier 0 are the raws, the untouched data recorded in data logger. Typically data loggers keep the original signal data from the sensors. In some cases, i.e., Smartflux, it not only store sensors data, but also collect data from other loggers.
0a. Untouched data from logger. For example, DNDF 1 min Biomet form CR1000x, DNDF 10 mins Soil data from CR1000, data of home-made sap flow sensors, and soil respiration data from portable instruments(LI-850, LI-7810).
0b. Raws combined across different loggers. Like Smartflux, it collected data from other loggers and calculate the results to 1 min, 30mins and daily summaries files.
0c. Data are measured from other institute/site/company instead of ourselves. Weather data from Center Weather Bureau(CWB) website is the case.
Tier 1 data are summaries, averaged or recalculated from Tier 0. In tier 1, data could be came from :
Tier 2 data are the data which pass the quality control(QC), quality assurance(QA) and also gap-filled.
Tier 3 (undetermined)
DNDF(DaNo-DaFu)大農大富通量站自2016年底開始運作,設有碳水通量、微氣象(大氣及土壤)以及樹液流觀測系統,雖然期間經過多次儀器調整與更新,但變更的幅度並不大。近期因應樣區內林木快速的增高,我們在2023年初做了一次比較大的更新,除了將鐵塔增高至25 m之外,安裝的儀器也往上移動,並且改變了Eddy系統在塔頂擺設的方式,各項儀器所在的高度請參考這裡。
DNDF目前有 Eddy Smartflux (eddy), CR1000x (biomet) 與 CR1000 (soil)三個系統,每一個系統的記錄器都會產出 Tier0 的資料表詳請參閱下表。DNDF沒有安裝雨量桶,所以我們額外蒐集了中央氣象局的鄰近測站(CWB富源)的雨量資料作為參考。同時因為考慮了計算年通量時,需要用到日輻射來作資料補遺的根據,我們還另外蒐集了花蓮(CWB花蓮)氣象站的輻射資料。
DNDF與LHSL兩個樣區設置有樹液流觀測系統,針對樣區內八種共同樹種各設置了10套自製樹液流系統,及1套土壤溫濕度系統,原始資料請參閱表中 Sapflow P_&Q_box。
為配合LTSER的觀測計畫,我們預計在 DNDF 選定幾個重要樹種,每個樹種找三個林份,每個林份下設置3個位置固定、大小為 10x10 m樣方(n=9 /tree specice),每三年測量一次 DBH、樹高,並取回土壤樣本做碳存量調查。另外在這些固定樣方中,以每年(或季)的頻度以拍攝魚眼照片或LI-2200儀器進行葉面積指數的估算。
DNDF(DaNo-DaFu) site is established since end of 2016. We set up series instruments for monitoring C- and H2O- flux, microclimate parameters of ecosystem. In beginning of year 2023, we’ve extended the flux tower from 18 m to 25 m height. This upgrade is to match the fast growth of trees in plantation of study area. All instruments were moved up according to the extension. The setup of instruments are list here.
There are 3 datalogger systems in DNDF, including Eddy Smartflux(eddy), Biomet(CR1000x) and Soil(CR1000). There is no rain gauge nor radiation backup sensors in DNDF, so we collect data from CWB site nearby as spare. You can find all raws files in following table.
Tier0 | Tier1 | Tier2 |
Biomet 1 m (CR1000x, .dat) | Eddy_results(adv) | 通量資料進階處理 (Gap-filled flux data by PyFluxPro) |
Soil, 10 m (CR1000, .dat) | Eddy_biomet(adv) | |
Soil, 1 hr (CR1000, .dat) | Eddy_biomet(adv) + Soil | Daily_NEE_ET |
Soil, 1 d (CR1000, .dat) | ||
Eddy_raw, 30 m (Smartflux, .GHG) | ||
Eddy_results, 30 m (Smartflux, .zip)\(^{a}\) | ||
Eddy_summaries, 1 d (Smartflux, .csv)\(^{a}\) |
aEddy_results & Eddy_summaries 是現場 smartflux 計算出來的通量結果,僅能作為通量檢測的參考,如果需要使用完整的資料,請使用Tier1 Eddy_raw或Eddy_results(adv)。Eddy_results & Eddy_summaries in Tier 0 is the data from Smarflux on-site, and it can only be used as checks for instruments. For complete eddy flux data, use Eddy_raw and Eddy_results(adv) in Tier 1 instead.
Tier0 | Tier1 | Tier2 |
Sapflow, 10 Hz (P_box, dat) | Sapflow_T0, 30 m (Nacho’s T0, .txt) | |
Tsoil & SWC, 10 m (Q_box, dat) | ||
(Tentative) | ||
Biomass | ||
Canopy LAI |
FLSF(FengLin-SengFeng)光電廠站於2023年初設置,安裝了通量(碳、水、甲烷)及微氣象系統,主要的記錄器為 Eddy Smartflux (eddy)+CR1000x (biomet 含土壤部),監測參數包含各項通量及溫濕度、輻射及土壤溫濕度等。鄰近樣區有中央氣象局西林自動站(CWB C0T00 西林),我們也一併蒐集其網站上的資料作為參考。
我們以移動式 LI-7810 + smart chamber 在光電廠區內及鄰近森林,設定固定的樣點進行每月一次的土壤呼吸監測。
FLSF(FengLin-SengFeng) site is established since 2023. We set up series instruments for monitoring CO2, CH4 and H2O flux, and also micro-climate parameters. FLSF is located in a solar power farm. Compare to abundancy studies from forests, the pattern of energy budget in solar farm is still lacking and need to further explore.
We set up two dataloggers in FLSF, Smartflux for eddy and CR3000 Biomet for micro-climate. Basic parameters such temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation are monitored. Parameters which under the soil are investigated too. Two set of sensors are buried in situ. One is under solar panel and another one is under the corridor, which is expose to the sunshine. Precipitation is monitored by the rain gauge set in exposed area.
In this archive, we also include the soil respiration data from point sampling inside the field and adjoined forest. And for the reference, data collected from CWB are also shown.
Tier0 | Tier1 | Tier2 |
Biomet, 1 m (CR1000x, .dat) | Eddy_results(adv) | 通量資料進階處理 (Gap-filled flux data by PyFluxPro) |
Eddy_raw, 30 m (Smartflux, .GHG) | Eddy_biomet(adv) | |
Eddy_results, 30 m (Smartflux, .zip) | Biomet(merged) | <tentative> |
Eddy_summaries, 1 d (Smartflux, .csv)\(^{a}\) | SoilResp (smartChamber) | |
LI-7801+SmartChamber, (.json) |
aEddy_results & Eddy_summaries 是現場 smartflux 計算出來的通量結果,僅能作為通量檢測的參考,如果需要使用完整的資料,請使用Tier1 Eddy_raw或Eddy_results(adv)。Eddy_results & Eddy_summaries in Tier 0 is the data from Smarflux on-site, and it can only be used as checks for instruments. For complete eddy flux data, use Eddy_raw and Eddy_results(adv) in Tier 1 instead.
Tier0 | Tier1 |
Sapflow, 10 Hz (P_box, dat) | Sapflow_T0, 30 m (Nacho’s T0, .txt) |
Tsoil & SWC, 10 m (Q_box, dat) |
測站獲取的通量資料(tier0)經過 EddyPro 重新計算及整併成30分鐘(tier1)後,要繼續進行 PyFluxPro 資料補遺及計算,才能累計為逐年資料(tier3 or tier4)。
為了能夠執行 PyFluxPro,需要先將30分鐘(tier1)的 Fullreport與Biomet整理成逐年分檔,並且有對應的控制檔(control files)。
關於PyFluxPro相關的資訊請參考 PyFluxPro GitHub網站 ,與相關範例檔及 wiki說明檔。
There are some gaps in flux data arising from weather conditions or instrument issues. We employ various gap-filling techniques to effectively smooth the data. PyFluxPro is one of the software tools we utilize for this purpose. Flux data adn control files are prepared for PyFluxPro in following table.
DNDF | ||
1.Eddy_results(adv) | 3.Data_for_PyFluxPro | PyFluxPro’s L6 file (NC) in R(.rds) format |
2.Eddy_biomet(adv) + Soil | 4.PyFluxPro_Control_Files | PyFluxPro’s L6 file (NC) in MS-Excel(.xlsx) format |
xls to R: |
FLSF | ||
1.Eddy_results(adv) | 3.Data_for_PyFluxPro | PyFluxPro’s L6 file (NC) in R(.rds) format |
2.Biomet(merged) | 4.PyFluxPro_Control_Files | PyFluxPro’s L6 file (NC) in MS-Excel(.xlsx) format |
xls to R: |
長期氣象資料預計使用於 BBGC 及其他模型。
Tier0 | Tier1 |
CWB 花蓮466990 (CWB website data) | Hualien Longterm Climate Data for BBGC 花蓮長期氣象資料 (MET.ini) |
CWB 宜蘭467080 (CWB website data) |
我們整理了短期通量站鄰近的氣象站資料,以供參考比對,請前往中央氣象署 (https://codis.cwa.gov.tw)取得最新的資料。
鄰近 DNDF 的氣象署測站 |
CWA 花蓮_466990 |
CWA 光復_C0T960 |
CWA 富源_C0Z080 |
CWA 大農_C1T970 |
CWA 花蓮農改場_725T250 |
鄰近 FLSF 的氣象署測站 |
CWA C0T900_西林 |
CWA C0Z160_鳳林 |
CWA C1T920_中興 |